Shared Living Arrangement
Right choices today for a better tomorrow
A shared living arrangement, also known as Supported Independent Living, is a part of the NDIS package designed to help a person with a disability to live life as independently as possible in a shared living arrangement. It not only assists or supervises the task of daily living but also focuses on developing the skill of each individual to live as independently as possible. The constant support is provided to each individual according to their needs in a shared living arrangement. At the same time, it also focuses on maximizing a person’s ability to be as independent as possible with making household decisions, personal care, and household tasks.
What Exactly is Shared Living Arrangement Service Covers?
- Helping people in managing money and budgeting.
- Helping in cooking and cleaning
- Helping people with disabilities to enhance their social skills.
- Helping disabled people with personal care such as showering, and dressing.
- Helping with daily life skill learning.
At Hands of Hope Support Service, we ensure to provide high-quality shared living arrangement services, helping people achieve a better life. Whether you need 24 hours to support, or for a few hours, or days, our support workers are always there to help you.